Sky Team Box
  1. Sky Team Box
  • Ease of Learning
  • Strategic Depth
  • Time
  • Replay-ability
  • Art and Theme
3.8/5Overall Score

Quick Summary

In "Sky Team," the skies become the stage for a thrilling two-player cooperative . As the two pilots of a plane attempting to land safely at their destination, you'll quickly realize that teamwork, trust, and strategic decision-making are the keys to a successful landing. Players must effectively manage the plane's speed, brakes, and tilt while navigating through the congested airspace. After all, you don't want to end up colliding with other planes in the process.

  • Player Count: 2
  • Age: 12+
  • Time: 20 MIN
  • Publisher: Scorpian Masque
  • Year Published: 2023
  • Easy to learn and teach
  • Dice roll mitigation
  • Very thematic
  • No alpha gaming
  • Difficulty increase adds new mechanics
  • Perfect game length
  • Game can immediatly end from one bad turn
  • Bad dice rolls could end the game

An Excellent Two Player Experience

In “Sky Team,” the two players assume the roles of the Pilot and the Co-Pilot. The game has players sitting right next to each other at the table. The shared player board contains asymmetrical dice placement spaces, divided right down the middle of the board. The game allows for strategic discussions before the dice are rolled. At this step players can plan their moves and discuss their next steps. However, the twist comes once each player rolls dice behind their player screen. Once the dice hit the table, communication ceases, and the players must rely solely on their partner’s ability to make the right decisions.

The real challenge lies in strategically placing the rolled numbers, whether good or bad, in the right locations. However players do this without knowing what their teammate rolled or where they will put their dice. One wrong move could spell disaster and result in immediately crashing the plane, thus ending the game. The limited communication element injects tension and excitement into the game-play, making every decision and roll count.

The limited communication element injects tension and excitement int

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“Sky Team” immerses players into the theme by putting players right into the cockpit of an airplane. I am not completely sure why thematically the pilots aren’t allowed to talk. Maybe its due to concentration or their communication devices lose connection.

The mechanics of the game are highly thematic, with each dice placement spot reflecting a specific aspect of piloting – from communicating with the control tower to clear out planes from the airways, to balancing the plane’s axis, controlling speed, extending the landing gear, and adjusting wing flaps. There’s even an option to drink a cup of coffee that helps players stay focused (adjust dice number).

The game allows you to feel like you are operating a plane, constantly adjusting the controls based on the planes feedback and environment through random dice rolls.

The mechanics of the game are highly thematic

Ease of Learning

Overall this game is very easy to pick up and begin playing. The rule book is a fairly quick read. The game could be played with a young children who can do very basic adding and subtraction to someone who doesn’t really understand board games all too well.

Game Difficulty

My experience with “Sky Team” has been nothing but praise, this simple game so enjoyable. I’ve found myself in nail-biting situations, hoping that my co-pilot has rolled the perfect number to correct our plane’s axis and prevent a potential disaster. In our first game, there were numerous close calls that had us on the edge of our seats. Luckily, we managed to land the plane safely. Even though we won our first game, we didn’t feel that the game was “too easy”, it was still a rewarding experience.

The game does have multiple scenarios that increase the difficulty with new challenges. By adding different mechanics to the game to also create unique game play experiences through each scenario. I will continue to play the game again and again, with the desire to eventually complete all the scenarios.

Our second play we used the first easy scenario and just barely lost. While our repeat play of the same scenario had us struggling even more due to dice rolls not being in our favor and bad team work.

Alpha Gamer

Because of the hidden dice rolls and nature of the limited communication, Sky Team has completely blocked the alpha gamer from ruining this cooperative experience. They can’t talk during the game and also don’t know what numbers you have rolled. This will allow most games to give each individual player full control of their turns.

Final Verdict

In summary, “Sky Team” is a thrilling cooperative board game that offers an immersive, thematic experience with just the right balance of strategy and randomness. The limited communication element adds the perfect amount of tension. There’s a reason it’s in our Top 10 2023 Games List. If you’re a fan of games that demand effective teamwork, “Sky Team” is worth taking off the shelf and onto your gaming table. Put on your pilot cap, hop on the radio, and aim for a safe landing in “Sky Team.”

Who Should Buy This Game

For players who want..

  • a cooperative two player experience
  • an easy to learn game
  • a quick set up and tear down
  • to overcome odds
  • high tension

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