“What Board Games Mean to Me” is a new book with contributions from Dr Reiner Knizia (publisher of over 700 games and expansion), Sen-Foong Lim (Mind MGMT, Junk Art, and more), Steve Jackson (Munchkins), Jervis Johnson (Bloodbowl), Gav Thorpe (Warhammer) and many more.
The book is focused on sharing what people love about board games. It’ll be exciting to read about the passions of our favorite board game designers to learn what motivates them in this hobby.
“People want to talk about them (their hobbies), and to listen to others who share their enthusiasm.”
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What Board Games Mean to Me
The book initiates a thought-provoking discussion about the hobby. Many of us play board games for various reasons. While they didn’t ask for my perspective in the book, I feel compelled to respond based on my own experience. It seems my tiny board game blog site didn’t quite capture their attention.
For me, playing board games is an immersive experience that connects me with the world in a way no other medium can. It involves my sense of touch, sight, and hearing — even sometimes with the added element of scent when unpacking new games. Taste, apart from the snacks we enjoy during gameplay, isn’t directly associated with the board game experience; no “meeple soup” for me, please!
No “meeple soup” for me, please!
Moreover, board games engage me on a deeper level with my peers. Through them, we challenge each other mentally, socialize, and delve into discussions about history, cultures, fantasy, nature, and more. Unlike video games and movies that require staring at a screen, board games have me frequently looking into the eyes of other players, interpreting their feelings and thoughts in various situations.
This isn’t to criticize video games. I used to immerse myself in them extensively, perhaps excessively. However, they didn’t engage me in the same way that board games do, physically being in someone’s house, sitting at their table, and interacting with them face-to-face.
While winning games is enjoyable, my primary motivation isn’t to celebrate a first-place victory at the end of the night. It’s about immersing myself in a new world, using my imagination and confronting a challenging puzzle and all while being with friends or family alongside me.
Over the years, I’ve explored various forms of entertainment while spending time with my wife, from movies and video games to puzzles and more. Yet, sitting down with her at the table has significantly strengthened our relationship more than those other activities. It’s a learning experience about how she thinks. Certain games highlight her strengths, surpassing my own, and witnessing her skills at that level is truly beautiful.
Board games provide a unique avenue to engage with my imagination and relationships in a way that almost no other medium can offer. And that’s precisely why I have a profound love for board games.
Read “What Board Games Means to Me” on a Kindle.
All-new Kindle Paperwhite with 3 months free Kindle UnlimitedWhen will the Book be released?
The book will be released later this month November 21st, 2023. Pre-orders are available now.